At the moment "Sladkii Mir LTD" supplies the raw material of major international companies, the production of which is located on the territory of Russia and CIS countries, as well as food and chemical holdings in Russia and the CIS. Customers repeatedly evaluated our work as perfect. Flawless execution of orders is achieved by a clear organization, planned work and the satisfaction of all customers' needs. The company operates according to ISO 9001, is currently undergoing certification HASSP. It regularly passes external audits according to European standards in the European auditing company SGS.
In the warehouses of the company a reserve of products equal to the average monthly consumption always kept, which makes it possible to eliminate any force majeure situations related to imports, as well as the urgent need to satisfy any customer with a sharp increase in unplanned demand for raw materials.
"Sladkii Mir LTD" deals not only with the supply of raw materials for production needs, but also has own production. Today, we offer a wide range of cube sugar of the highest quality and unique production in Russia of brown sugar with jagged edges.
Products supplied by our company are subject to mandatory control on the quality and additional processing.
Working with us gives you absolute guarantee in fulfillment of all conditions and all needs of your company.