Sweet joy of a pirate

Сладкая радость пиратаCocktails are popular all over the world. They are a "must" attribute in club life, they accompany variety of entertainments, and home parties…
All for its diversity, some cocktails are 100% to be available in any bar in the world. Among them, "Pina Colada", "Margarita", "Martini" and, of course, "Mojito". Taking a glass of this drink, one could listen to and collect a fair amount of "Mojito" stories: drink’s origin, its consumption, and aftermath...

And we too have a story for you.

XVI century is stormy. The world expands its limits. Dare-devil pirates are plying across ocean. Francis Drake, English pirate, is yet too far from the day he’d titled Sir ... but his sweet dreams, made of a bright future, glory and great wealth are so pleasant... and nothing, even old aching scars, would hinder him to dream about. So he can’t help himself from reaching for Aguardiente (“grapevine”, replaced by rum with time).Well, just a little, merely for medicinal purposes, strictly to doctor's advice… So, let’s add lime and mint, and some sugar to ... and here you are with "Mojito" cocktail, quite done. Would you share sweet pirate's dreams too? .

  • Lime - 1 piece.
  • Mint - 2 sprigs
  • Brown sugar (Demerara) - 2 t.sp.
  • Rum - 50 ml
  • Carbonated mineral water - ½ cup
  • Ice at option

You should separate the mint leaves and put them into a big glass. Gently squeeze the juice of one lime and add some sugar. Mash all ingredients in the glass with a pestle and fill all with ice. Then take some rum and some carbonated water and fill the glass carefully to the top. And, sure, a cherry on the pie, decorate the top with a slice of lime.
P.S. "Mojito" comes from an African word «Mojo», which means "to put a spell on somebody." Don't forget it! You too!